Suji dhokla

Suji ka Dhokla | Instant Rava Dhokla Recipe | semolina dhokla

#DhoklaRecipe #RavaDhokla #SoojiDhokla

Ingredients : 

Semolina (सूजी )  - 1 cup (200 gms)

Whisked curd with 1/2 ginger paste & 1 green chili - 1 cup 

Eno fruit Salt (इनो )  - 1 tsp 

Salt (नमक )  - 3/4 tsp or to taste 

Sugar (पाउडर चीनी )  - 3/4 tsp (optional) 

Oil (तेल ) - 2 tbsp 

Black Mustard Seeds (काली सरसों के दाने )  - 1/2 tsp 

Haldi powder (हल्दी पाउडर) - 1/2tsp

Sesame seeds (तिल )  - 1 tsp 

Curry leaves (करी पत्ते )  - 10  to 12 

Green chilies (हरी मिर्च )  - 2 

How to make Rava Dhokla : 

1. Take fine semolina, curd, whisked with 1 green chili paste, haldi powder and 1/2 tsp ginger paste, in a mixer.

2. Add semolina and mix it well. If batter seems dense add water. Keep for 10 minutes for semolina to puff up. 

3. Keep water to boil, in a vessel, Put a Jali stand inside it, Turn on flame. Cover it up so that the water boils quickly.

4. As the batter puffs up, add salt powdered sugar. Mix it well. Add Eno fruit salt. Pour 1 tsp water over it. Mix it well. 

5. Take a container for making dhokla, grease with oil, Put the batter in it, tap and make it even. 

6. As water boils, put the Dhokla container in water, cover and cook it for 20 minutes, then check dhokla. 

7. When ready, take out the container, keep on Jali stand to cool. 

8. Once cooled off, take out with help of knife then keep on plate.

9. For tempering, heat tadka pan, put oil then add black mustard seeds, curry leaves, sesame seeds and green chilies. Put tadka over dhokla. 


10. Soft and Spongy Rava Dhokla is ready,  Serve dhokla with Peanut chutney, coconut chutney, or any of your favorite chutney and enjoy the snack.


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